Attack theatre

Our Work

Founded in 1994 by Michele de la Reza and Peter Kope as a collaboration between two dancers and a city, Attack Theatre fuses modern dance, original live music, and interdisciplinary art forms to create engaging dance performances. We create work at the intersection of art and community, resulting in productions that are personal, authentic, welcoming, and fearless.



To explore artistic expression in our commitment to remain curious in our investigation of new ideas; to artistically collaborate through deliberate, interdisciplinary partnerships; to connect with local and global communities to provide accessible, creative learning opportunities.


Attack Theatre is a movement that exercises an artful expression of life through dance.




We commit to becoming a community of learners through equitable practices that celebrate and support the creative in all of us, regardless of who they are or how they identify. We start by challenging our perspectives and expanding our artistic boundaries through empathy, and the opening of our doors, hearts, and minds to understand how every lived experience contributes to the artful expression of life through dance.


At the heart of our creative process, we forge creative partnerships with artists, audiences, and communities to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and experimentation as an integral part of our artistic vision.


We nurture the next generation(s) of artists, thinkers, and leaders through creative learning programs rooted in reflection, curiosity, and imagination.





Support for Attack Theatre


Did you know Attack Theatre is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?

Any contribution you make may be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. So what are you waiting for? Make a gift today!